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My name is Lydia, although I'm sometimes known as George by some strange wackt-out Emilybeast thing called Martha.

I will conquer the world.
I will put shock collars on all the guys.
I will Break Out Into Hysterically Evil Laughter.
Now that you know my itinerary (pretend that's a word if it's not)... maybe do something.

Or maybe not.

On a side note: I'm insnaily tired.

Ooh, and that's me over there in that picture off to the right, isn't that cool? Yeah, I didn't think so either. It kinda scares me. That's why I try telling Clare to stay away from reflective surfaces... they can sometimes shock a person a bit more than they'd bargained for and whatnot.
My little 5'11" slave boy, Esam, took that of me while I was trying to use my computer in peace.
Remind me to swat the bugger...

The History or Story Behind My Site
It all started when I was talking with Emily.
*Stretches hands out* there we were, talking away, when suddenly we realized just how super insnaily funny our quotes are.
In a brave attempt of rescuing the fantastic quotes from lostnessdom eternally, we vainly tried to add them to our MSN* profiles.
But evil MSN* only allows about a thousandish characters max!
Seeing how insufficient this character quota was for our quotes (hmm, not sure that makes sense, but it sounds nice anyways) I decided to make a website!

Thus, this.


This site is in no way affiliated with MSN Corporation or anything having to do with MSN Corporation... except for the fact that the e-mail address I use on this site is Hotmail.

I'd like to give credit to Emily for... *has total memory lapse* something ultra-incredible!
Wow, maybe I shouldn't say incredible... I mean think about it, it's like, not-credible... lol, well then, for something ultra-spiffy! Yay!

I'd also like to thank my mother for buying me Paint Shop Pro 8!! Yay! *has no clue how to use it*

Links to Other Sites - (not sure why the default of that is plural when there's only room for one.. maybe I'm just stupid. Or maybe this lamebum template is... *growls*) -
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